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A Delicate Betrayal will Release as Novel instead!

Today I come bearing some... unexpected but hopefully exciting news 😅

As you know, I've been ramping up for the release of Wicked Fates for months now, and I've been really excited about having one of my stories, A Delicate Betrayal, featured in it!

However, the more I wrote, the longer this "short" story became, until it was its own full novel 😅

I planned for Aenwyn's story to be 15k words. Now it's approaching 50k, and still climbing. As much as I tried to meet the deadline for this anthology, this book just kept growing. My final "two" chapters became a hydra of ten chapters! This beast has been untamable but oh so exciting to uncover as I've written it!

The organizers of the Wicked Fates anthology gave me the option of submitting my book a couple days late (I'm still finalizing some edits and the final scene) or stepping down from the anthology and just publishing it as my own novel. At this point in time, it seems smarter to just do the latter.

That being said, if you were someone who preordered Wicket Fates because you were excited to read Aenwyn's story, please send me a receipt of your purchase (please black out any personal information!) and I will send you an e-copy of the book once it's finalized.

If you didn't preorder, fear not!! As of 1:50am, A Delicate Betrayal is up for preorder! 😂 I don't have an exact release date set yet, but it will likely be within a few months since the book is already almost completed already!

Look at how pretty that cover is!!!


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