I really can’t believe I’m finally getting to write this update: after working on Blood Awakens for five years, and waiting four months for my appointment with a cover designer, the book cover for Blood Awakens is finally here! And it is B-E-A-UTIFUL! Daqri Combs outdid herself and all of my expectations!
On top of getting to see the cover I’ve been envisioning for half a decade (whoa…), it is also being shared around by a handful of bloggers! I connected with Frasers Fun House to coordinate a cover reveal and a blog tour, and today marked the first day of our work together! I truly can’t express how much my heart has been warmed, seeing all of the bloggers post about my book. When I began writing this book, I had every doubt in my mind that it would ever get published, let alone reach any readers. But with their help, Blood Awakens is already finding homes in people’s e-readers (and hopefully on their physical shelves once Amazon allows me to publish the paperback in two days).
Please do take a second to read each of the bloggers’ posts below! They put a lot of time and effort into these. You can also share them on your own social media pages to help us spread awareness—be sure to tag me, and if you use hashtags, some helpful ones to include are #fantasy #apocalypse #BloodAwakens!
Without further ado, here are the cover reveal posts:
Blood Awakens releases next Wednesday, June 26th! Grab your copy from Amazon here today!