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Immortal Return Update: Round Two

Updated: May 17, 2021

It's been a looooong time since I've posted anything on this blog. My apologies! Life has been...well...let's talk about life a bit, since that's honestly why I'm here today with this update anyways!

If you follow me on social media or subscribe to my newsletter, then you know my family has been going through some tough transitions lately. My partner and I recently separated, and it's been extremely emotionally taxing trying to figure out coparenting of our child and my step daughter. I moved out of my home and back in with my mom and brother, and re-learning how to have "roommates" has been extra challenging while everyone is still working from home.

My mental health these past couple of months has been a real burden to my productivity. Writing, editing, and anything remotely author-related has taken a back-burner as I've tried to instead focus on my son, and getting my life in a more stable place.

I'm thankful to say that the past couple of weeks, I've been feeling a little more capable of juggling the author stuff, and so I kept my preorders open on the off chance that I'd get everything done in time—I'm an optimist, through and through!

But it is now four days before the release of Immortal Return, and I have to be honest with myself...this book isn't happening between now and then. At least not if I want it to be the quality you all deserve.

I have been writing Halira's story since October of 2020. I'm invested in her journey. I've watched her grow and blossom! And I want to do her justice by giving her story the ending it deserves! Not to mention, you all have been reading her since December! She's practically family by now!

So it is with immense guilt, trepidation, and self-loathing—and also some hope—that I've decided to postpone this release for now.

That being said, this won't be a long postponement! The book is NEARLY finished!!! I just need to spend some extra time polishing it before hitting that "publish" button.

I'm hopeful that you'll see Immortal Return on the shelves by the end of May at the latest (but I'm aiming for even sooner!).

If you've been dying to read the epic conclusion to this saga, be sure to join my newsletter so you get updated on the new release date!

Much love,


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